Friday Dec 27, 2024
Seek Reality with Roberta Grimes: An End to the Upside Down Cosmos
Mark Gober Talk About An End to the Upside Down Cosmos
Our guest today is Mark Gober, who is with us for the tenth time. When we first met him, Mark was a recent Princeton graduate, and a tennis champion, but he had wandered off the mainstream reservation and discovered the primacy of consciousness, and he just could not let it go. So he had dared to research, and to writee about it! He had written a truly amazing book called An End to Upside Down Thinking – Dispelling the Myth that the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday Life. His next book was AN END TO UPSIDE DOWN LIVING – Reorienting Our Consciousness to Live Better and Save the Human Species. Then came AN END TO UPSIDE DOWN LIBERTY – Turning Traditional Political Thinking on Its Head to Break Free from Enslavement. Then came AN END TO UPSIDE DOWN CONTACT – UFOs, Aliens, and Spirits, and Why Their Ongoing Interaction with Human Civilization Matters. And AN END TO THE UPSIDE DOWN RESET – The Leftist Vision for Society Under the “Great Reset,” and How It Can Fool Caring People into Supporting Harmful Causes. Then it was AN END to UPSIDE DOWN MEDICINE – And why Consciousness is Needed for a New Paradigm of Health. And now comes Mark’s new book, called AN END TO THE UPSIDE DOWN COSMOS – Rethinking the Big Bang, Heliocentrism, the Lights in the Sky…and Where We Live. Mark Gober is a genuine polymath. He is one of the extremely few people who can enter a field that is entirely new to him, take apart its elements, master its literature, and then approach it and put it together again in a whole new and much better way! Mark’s website is
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