Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Release Trapped Emotion and Recalibrate Subconscious Beliefs After Betrayal – with Nicola Energy
Sometimes the energetic charge from an event is literally too much for the body, mind, and emotions to handle, and the body short circuits. If you have ever said phrases like, “That was just too much for me to handle. I can’t take any more!” or “I feel like I’m going to explode!” you are! Traumatic events such as betrayal can cause emotions to get stuck in your energy system and impact the way you show up, feel, and heal going forward. This show will what to do about it, so you can feel better fast, process more effectively, and find your calm, joyful center once again.
Top take-a-ways:
What is energy, and why do emotions and belief matter when healing from trauma?
Using breath, space, ecstatic dance, and grounding to clear intense emotion.
Why affirmations don’t work, and what to do to recalibrate your subconscious beliefs.
Nicola Energy is an energy intuitive who specializes in releasing trapped emotion and recalibrating subconscious beliefs. She has been trained in a wide variety of modalities, including The Emotion Code and Eden Energy Medicine. Learn more at www.nicola.energy and find out how good you can finally fell!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Break Through the Illusions of Relationship™ & Get the Love you Want with Lauren Kay Wyatt
Why are relationships so difficult? Especially when all humans want love, connection, and really great relationships. And what’s a woman to do once she has been betrayed, let down, or had her heart broken? No matter what you have been through, understanding the Six Illusions of Relationship™ and how they apply in your life and relationships helps.
Top take-a-ways:
How “mistaken thinking” about our relationships sabotage our relationships, and the powerful awakening that comes when we become willing to look at ourselves.
Why giving ourselves grace and nurturing our own desires is the best way to cultivate healthy relationships.
How to turn the mirror around and view our own lessons, growth, and wounds from the lessons, growth, and wounds of those we are in relationship with, so we can stop complaining and start healing.
Lauren Kay Wyatt is a relationship psychic, coach, and spiritual healer. She is the CEO of Love Renegades and the creator of the Illusions of Relationship™. Since 2012 Lauren has worked directly with hundreds of individuals in healing from the consequences of Mistaken Thinking and in creating lives and relationships that they love without "selling out," sacrificing, or settling. Would you like to receive a Sacred Inquiry, a free introductory, exploratory intuitive coaching session? Click here: https://linktr.ee/loverenegades for the Sacred Inquiry Intake Form and other healing resources. 💚
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Processing Grief & Rage - The Transformative Power of Difficult Emotion
How many times have you heard phrases like, “Don’t hide your emotions, let them out!” or “Give yourself time to process those emotions so you can feel better!” and thought, “Sure, but what does that even mean? How am I supposed to process emotion or move it through my body?” You are not alone! Feeling, healing, and processing emotion is difficult – especially because our culture does not embrace owning a full range of emotion.
Top take-a-ways:
How emotions impact our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Why women have a more difficult time feeling, processing, and healing through rage.
Processing emotion on an intellectual level, and turning your trauma into a chapter, instead of the whole story.
The energetic charge of unprocessed emotions and how to clear it.
“Dancing it out” and other ideas for physically releasing emotion.
A 90 second practice for feeling your emotions fully and completely.
No matter what you have been through, your emotions are sacred. Especially your big, uncomfortable emotions such as grief, rage, and anger. If you are ready to feel your emotions fully, completely, and powerfully, so you can create the kind of transformation, joy, and ability to fully engage with life that you are looking for, then this is the show for you!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
Learn to Trust After Betrayal – with Dr. Debi Silber
Anyone who has been betrayed knows the pain and fear of not being able to trust. After all, if the person closest to you could betray you, what might people who aren’t that close to you do? Perhaps you wonder what you did wrong to “cause” someone to betray you or how you can ever trust yourself and others again.
Top Take-a-ways:
Post Betrayal Syndrome and the collection of symptoms that may be related to an unhealed betrayal.
The predictable steps of healing from betrayal, how to gauge where you are at right now, and what to do to move forward.
Post Betrayal Transformation, the difference between resilience and transformation, and how you can transform yourself and your life after a betrayal.
Dr. Debi Silber, is the founder of www.ThePBTInstitute.com, a holistic psychologist, a recognized health, mindset, empowerment and personal development expert. She's a speaker, coach and author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis, The Unshakable Woman-The Workbook (the companion guide to the book), and Trust Again. Debi's contributed to FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz show, TEDx (twice), The Huffington Post, Shape, Self, Health, Working Mother, Forbes, Psychology Today, WebMD, Ladies Home Journal, MSN, Woman's World and Glamour to name a few. After researching and conducting a PhD study on how we experience betrayal from a family member or partner, Debi has discovered a predictable and proven process taking people from betrayal to breakthrough. That process, coupled with 28 years of health, mindset and personal development training and coaching, enabled her to create a multi-pronged approach to help people heal (physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually) from the trauma of betrayal.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
What is Meditation, really?
Meditation is touted as the holy grail of healing, spirituality, and finding inner peace. But what is it really, why does it work (or not work) and how can you get started, especially if you think that “emptying your mind” is impossible?
SPOILER ALERT! Emptying your mind is impossible and contrary to popular belief, that is not what meditation is all about.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why meditation helps you heal after betrayal, or after any kind of upset or trauma.
How thoughts become things and the power of training your mind towards a single point of focus.
Recognizing the ways you meditate right now, every day, and harnessing the power of your naturally meditative states to help you get better at conscious, practiced, meditation.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who uses the concepts in burlesque to help women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence, embrace their sexy, and create a life they love!
Untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
What Does Your Future Hold? Creating a Vision for Yourself After-Betrayal
You were betrayed. Whether that betrayal was by an intimate partner, someone you trusted professionally, or by your own body or actions, it’s normal to feel devastated. After all, your world has been upended and the future you anticipated is no longer a reality.
Which begs the question: What kind of future will you create?
Top Take-a-ways:
Figuring out who you are and what you want, and the undeniable power of claiming your most authentic identity post-betrayal.
Why the most loving, open, and connected people need the strongest boundaries in order to stay authentic to who they are.
Resilience, fear, and leading an uninhibited life, even when you know you will probably be hurt again.
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who helps women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence and clarity, powerfully embrace their sexy, and create a life they love.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Let Your Flaws Become Your Strength: How to Defeat Tragedy, Find your Purpose, and Live an Unapologetic Life with Michelle Mras
What would you do if you suddenly realized there was no one there to help you? Would you crumble or soar? Michelle Mras, international speaker, coach, and author chose to soar! And all throughout her life, despite breast cancer, an accident that left her fully conscious yet unable to move or speak, being raped, and kicked out of the home as a young teen, she has continued to soar, using her voice and her truth to awaken others to do the same.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why your purpose is that thing you’ve been running from your entire life.
The power of living with intention, especially when betrayed by your body, your life, or others that you trust.
The three types of control, and how to remain focused on yourself.
Michelle Mras is an International TEDx Speaker, Communication Trainer, Success Coach, co-Host of the Denim & Pearls podcast, the Author of Eat, Drink and Be Mary: A Glimpse Into a Life Well Lived and It’s Not Luck: Overcoming You. Michelle is the Host of the MentalShift television show on The New Channel (TNC), Philippines. Michelle is a survivor of multiple life challenges to include a Traumatic Brain Injury and her current battle with Breast Cancer. She guides her clients to recognize the innate gifts within them, to stop apologizing for what they are not and step into who they truly are. She accomplishes this through one-on-one and group coaching, Training events, Keynote talks, her books, Podcasts and MentalShift television show. Michelle’s driving thought is that every day is a gift. Tomorrow is never promised. Every moment is an opportunity to be the best version of you… Unapologetically!
Learn more at: www.MichelleMras.com
Inspirational videos www.YouTube.com/MichelleMras
Denim & Pearls podcast http://bit.ly/3gYHBzu
Mental Shift show on TNC Philippines, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAkbmMOlqev0CbVMleqlJMIT0HS_uHMLF
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who helps women reclaim their identity and self-worth after betrayal so they can move forward with confidence and clarity, powerfully embrace their sexy, and create a life they love.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Learn more at www.loracheadle.com and follow me across all social!

Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Does the Pain of Infidelity & Betrayal Ever Go Away? Four Steps to Healing Fast – Solo Show
The pain caused by infidelity and betrayal is unique, intense, and will stay with you for a lifetime. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer for a lifetime! While on average it takes 18-24 months to truly feel better, there are four simple things you can do to feel better fast and ensure that you are on the road to healing.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why the pain of infidelity and betrayal is worse than other pain.
How to accept that you are a victim and were victimized, without being or playing the role of a victim.
What to do both short and long term to alleviate the pain of infidelity and betrayal.
Download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide at www.NakedSelfWorth.com and start reclaiming yourself and your life today!
Lora Cheadle is an infidelity survivor who works with women whose lives have been shattered by infidelity and betrayal who want to use their situation as a catalyst for something better. Infidelity is not a devastation, it’s an invitation. Reclaim yourself, find your sparkle, and create a life you love!
Through the Five Steps of FLAUNT! you can learn how to untangle yourself from the past, release judgment, and uncover the power, beauty, and joy that’s been inside you all along. All with a wink and a smile!
Join Lora’s Betrayed to Brilliant - Flourish After Betrayal Facebook group, for support, inspiration, and a community of others who have been where you’re at, right now.
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code “DV7” Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Lora’s Five-Year Anniversary Show and Giveaway
Five years and almost 300,000 downloads mean it’s time to celebrate!
How about by giving away 5 nights in The Beach House in Florida? CLICK HERE to register, then post a picture of yourself holding the book FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy, & Spiritual Self along with the hashtag #FLAUNT. Want an additional entry? Tag the three friends you’d like to come with you.
After five glorious years, where I’ve had the opportunity to interview greats such as Leslie Zemeckis, Gina Hatzis, Gina DeVee, and numerous other TedX speakers and thought leaders, as well as many brilliant but more unknown minds, it’s time for a facelift! FLAUNT! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle is now:
FLAUNT! Find Your Sparkle & Create a Life You Love After Infidelity or Betrayal
It is a show for anyone whose life has been shattered by infidelity or betrayal and is determined to rise, reclaim themselves, and create a life they love. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been betrayed by your body, life, or by someone that you love, betrayal hurts.
It strips you your confidence, worth, and the ability to trust yourself and others. This podcast will help you strip out of expectations, judgments, and pain, and reveal yourself as you authentically are, without inhibition. Reclaim you by stepping into your own, Naked Self-Worth® which you get through the five steps of FLAUNT!
Untangle yourself from the past,
Reclaim your sexy, and
Re-choreograph life on your own terms!
Go to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download your Sparkle After Betrayal Recovery Guide and learn what you can do to untangle yourself from the past, reclaim your sexy, and begin re-choreographing your life today!
Join Lora’s Betrayed to Brilliant - Flourish After Betrayal Facebook group, for support, inspiration, and a community of others who have been where you’re at, right now.
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code “DV7”
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com

Friday May 28, 2021
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
How to Beat Burnout & Flourish– with Dr. Sharon Grossman
Do you know the difference between stress, burnout, anxiety, and overwhelm? Learn the differences between them, how to check in with yourself and determine where you are at, as well as how to manage each state effectively.
Top Take-a-ways:
Why “doing less” and “taking a break” will not cure burnout.
How asking yourself, “If you were your cell phone, what you batter life be right now? What would you do to fix that?” is one of the easiest ways to figure out what you need.
The importance of perception and why altering your perception is the most effective way to combat stress and overwhelm.
Join Dr. Sharon Grossman and Lora Cheadle for a free 7 Day Burnout Challenge, from May 31-June 6th. Go to www.7dayburnoutchallenge.com ON Monday, May 3131st to sign up for your emails, and Join Lora and Dr. Grossman in the Flaunt Flock Facebook group at 10:30 AM MST for your introduction and welcome to the week. https://www.facebook.com/groups/734311026659814
Dr. Sharon Grossman is a qualified Success Coach, Clinical Psychologist, author, speaker, wife and mother of two. For the past two decades, she has worked on improving the health and well-being of high achievers who so often sacrifice their self-care as a result of work demands and get caught up with everyone else’s expectations that they end up burning out at alarming rates. She is the author of The 7E Solution to Burnout and an Emotional Intelligence expert. She holds a doctorate degree in Psychology, has extensive training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and 20 years of experience helping her clients take back control of their lives.
Learn more at www.drsharongrossman.com
JOIN LORA every Friday from 4-5PM MST for Burlesque & Bubbly, a virtual dance class for women of all ages, sizes, and abilities! When was the last time you let your hair down, gently challenged your mind and body in new and different ways, and allowed yourself to embrace your beautiful body as it is right now, while thoroughly enjoying the moment?
First class is FREE, and subsequent classes are only $10. Learn more and get on the list at www.BurlesqueAndBubbly.com or sign up now, at https://loracheadle.com/product/burlesque-bubbly/ with discount code “DV7”
Stop Hiding and Start Flaunting You!
Follow me across all social and be sure to Join In The Conversation with me every Monday morning, at 10:30 Mountain in the FLAUNT flock Facebook group. I’d love to get social, interact, and answer your most pressing questions.
Feeling worn down and dull? Hoping for a little more sparkle, joy and enthusiasm in your day? Then sashay on over to www.NakedSelfWorth.com and download The Top 20 Things That Block Your Sparkle And What to Do About Them today!
Still want more? Of course, you do! Purchase Lora’s book, FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy & Spiritual Self wherever books are sold.
Learn more about Lora here: www.loracheadle.com