Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Skipping – For Health, Happiness and Fun! with Kim “Skipper” Corbin
When was the last time you took off skipping? If you are anything like most adults, it’s probably been a while. But did you know skipping has some amazing benefits for the body, mind and soul? Join us for today’s episode where we learn all about skipping, following one’s passion (all the way to financial ruin and back again) and the power of perseverance.
In addition to being a Senior Publicist at the book publisher New World Library, Kim “Skipper” Corbin has been the world’s most vocal advocate for the body, mind, spirit benefits of adult skipping for over 20 years. Her skipping movement has been featured in USA Today, Time, People, and Newsweek Magazines.
After becoming so inspired after skipping for the first time as an adult, she invited the rest of the world to join her. She organized regular group skipping events in San Francisco, with the San Francisco Chronicle writing a feature article about her efforts called, “She’d Like to Teach the World to Skip.” That article set off an unprecedented flurry of national media attention including Time Newsweek, People, USA Today, the BBC, CNN, and more.
As skippers from around the world heard the news, she quickly realized she was not alone in her love for skipping. Much to her surprise, the fitness community also got involved, featuring her in Shape, Fitness, Sports Illustrated for Women and Prevention Magazine. There was no doubt about it, Kim had found her fetish, and nothing was going to stop her now!
Kim quit her job to pursue her skipping dream full time. She poured her heart and soul into her vision, but unfortunately, things didn’t turn out the way she had planned! Kim skipped herself into financial ruin, and spent the next several years going through a “post-acute skipping hangover.” But even though she thought her skipping path had come to an end, the skipping world would not let go of Kim.
She recently created a fun 21-Day Skipping Experiment as a way to inspire more people to give a skipping practice a try, she started working on a book on skipping, and much, much more!
Would YOU like to skip, and to be a part of Kim’s skipping adventure? Visit www.iskip.com to find out more!
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.
Remember, Dreamvisions 7 Listeners receive a complimentary 30 minute Life Choreography session with Lora Cheadle to find out how they can utilize the five steps of FLAUNT! to Build their Dreams and Live their Sparkle! Could you be ready to live your best life today? Calls take place via Zoom and can be scheduled here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule Grab your Dreamvisions7 discount today!lora@loracheadle.com or 303-994-4945

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Our Words are like Magnets, calling forth whatever it is We are Talking About with Mary Shores
Are you projecting extra negativity onto your circumstances, and recreating more pain, or are you spinning it to be the best that it can be? Yes, it’s hard to escape our own negative spiral of thoughts but you can do it, and the results are phenomenal.
No, it’s not woo-woo magic, its brain functioning, neurotransmitters, hormones and biology. If you are interested in some “brain hacks” that will help you feel better – like asking yourself, “What will this mean to me in 10 days, 10 weeks and 10 years?” So you can realize that everything is transitory, and that yes, you will indeed get through this, you will feel better and will be better able to manage every moment.
Through Mary’s “Rewrite your Story” process, learn how to create the best possible outcome in your life, your health and your world instead of creating catastrophe and the worst possible outcome. No matter what is going on in your life, you can become deliberate about choosing your words, your thought and from there, your reality. Why? Because sometimes writing or speaking something as simple as “something amazing is going to happen today” or “what I need next is going to walk through the door” is enough to enough to shift your own patterns of belief and change your day. And your life!
Mary is a best-selling Hay House personal development author, and the owner & CEO of what has been called one of the most unique collection agencies in the country. Her philosophy of maintaining a positive approach to life and to debt collection has re-framed her entire organization and the lives of those she’s trained. This tried and true communication strategy has not only ensured her success in collections, it has built a lasting positive reputation for both her clients and customers. She has spent the last 12 years perfecting this philosophy and training organizations across the country on communication skills and other leadership, upfront collections, and personal development topics.
Learn more about Mary, her retreat at Rythmia, speaking, events and her book at www.maryshores.com
GUESS WHAT? Lora's new book. FLAUNT! Drop Your Cover and Reveal Your Smart, Sexy, & Spiritual Self is being released on November 5th! Find it on Amazon, or wherever books are sold!
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.
Remember, Dreamvisions 7 Listeners receive a complimentary 30 minute Life Choreography session with Lora Cheadle to find out how they can utilize the five steps of FLAUNT! to Build their Dreams and Live their Sparkle! Could you be ready to live your best life today? Calls take place via Zoom and can be scheduled here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule Grab your Dreamvisions7 discount today!
lora@loracheadle.com or 303-994-4945

Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Saturday Oct 26, 2019
Finding Your Happiness Mojo In Spite Of Life's Challenges- Breast Cancer Beware, I’m Still Smiling!
There is nothing more terrifying to hear than those three words, "You have cancer.” Princess Diane von Brainisfried (aka Diane Young Uniman), is both an award-winning author and a breast cancer survivor, and she knows how it feels! She’s been there. Her new book, Bonjour, Breast Cancer – I'm Still Smiling! Is written with a deliciously humorous tone, and is the essential guide to beating the breast cancer blues. The book combines von Brainisfried's own experiences and insights with research-based positive psychology strategies and packed with practical advice, humor and encouragement – the perfect mix for finding positivity in the face of breast cancer and all its accompanying treatments and challenges.
Sharing the wisdom from Socrates, Cherokee legends, and her own Jewish great-grandmother, she helps those facing cancer (and those supporting those facing cancer) reclaim their happiness mojo and move from fear and despair to positivity and optimism.
From her own breast cancer diagnosis to chemo, baldness, double mastectomy, radiation —and 3-D nipple tattoos — she holds nothing back, imparting refreshing honesty (dappled with humor) to encourage and empower others on their journeys. Regaining equilibrium and reclaiming happiness following a cancer diagnosis is not easy. It's OK to wallow — for a moment. Bonjour, Breast Cancer — I'm Still Smiling! shares a king's ransom of practical advice and wisdom to find positivity in the face of the challenges posed by breast cancer and everything that goes with it.
When author Princess Diane is not smashing champagne bottles over the bows of ships or blogging her brains out at her palace desk, she's a motivational speaker and certified positive psychology life coach, the optimist expert for the Women's Health Institute of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and was a facilitator at Miami's World Happiness Summit. When the Princess is not wearing her tiara, she is known as Diane Young Uniman, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of The University of Pennsylvania and criminal justice appeals attorney turned writer of screenplays and musicals. Her work has been featured at Lincoln Center's Broadway's Future series and was accepted into Fringe/NYC. She has won over 50 awards for her screenplays and musicals and an ASCAP award for writing. Diane is also an opera singer and an advanced student at the New York School of Practical Philosophy. Bonjour, Breast Cancer — I'm Still Smiling! is her first book.
To learn more, please visit www.princessdianevonbrainisfried.com or connect with her on multiple social media platforms.

Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Revealing the Divine Within Us All Discover – Surrender- - Inspire. These are the three steps that Craig Kolavo, a business man and seeker turned author and motivator talks about in his book, I am God In disguise, So are You. What started out as writing down his experiences as a way to inspire his kids, quickly became a full-fledged book that thrust Craig into the spotlight, where he shares his mission of simplifying and demystifying spiritual concepts that will benefit us all. Craig likes his book to a roadmap that we can follow that will awaken the sleeping giant within and allow us more easily to step into and express our divine nature. And most importantly, what’s in it for us when we do? Well, surrendering to the divine has benefits to our health, our personal life and to our professional life as well. When we are able to reconnect with nature, to remember that we are all spirits who are here on a human journey of experience after experience, we are able to filter the important from the non-important and to ground into our divine no matter what is going on around us. I Am God in Disguise is a call to action to rediscover our spiritual nature, and to willful our collective purpose as human beings, in Discovering our Divine Nature, Surrendering to this power within, and Inspiring others on this journey.

Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle! with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Saturday Oct 05, 2019
Transformation: It’s not just for people! What Are The Things In Your Life That Could Use a Little Transforming?
(And might it be a career opportunity for you?)
Transformation is a pretty popular buzz word and the robust nature of the self-help industry proves that most of us are interested in transformation. Whether it’s our bodies, our health, or career, or our relationships, we all want to become better.
Which is great! But sometimes it’s not enough to simply embark on yet another a self-help journey and hope for the best. Sometimes what’s best, is for us to move outside of ourselves and to transform that thing around us that’s been driving us crazy!
That’s exactly what Cash Butler, CEO and founder of ClariLegal did. After spending 15-plus years in a variety of leadership roles for service providers in the litigation services industry, being a firsthand witness to many of the industry’s inefficiencies, he decided to use his experience to transform the way legal services are purchased.
His company, ClariLegal, helps corporate customers and law firms choose the best service for their needs by providing them with a tool to accurately compare value sought, to value delivered.
Not in the legal industry yourself? It doesn’t matter! What matters is the way Cash refused to let frustration or inefficiency get him down. Instead of staying frustrated, or saying, “Well, that’s just the way it is!” Cash took his frustration and made things better for everyone, for an entire industry.
For those in the legal industry, ClariLegal focuses on solutions to key issues and frustrations faced by people, corporations, firms, and vendors involved in litigation and compliance, who use services such as investigations, eDiscovery, and cyber security, to improve timeliness and effectiveness all while reducing costs.
Learn more about Cash and ClariLegal at https://clarilegal.com/
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Listeners receive Lora’s downloadable meditation, Finding Your Passion & Purpose, which is specifically designed to target the subconscious portion of the brain, to create fast, effective and fun changes, FREE, simply for being listeners! Click Here to Download.
Remember, Dreamvisions 7 Listeners receive a complimentary 30 minute Life Choreography session with Lora Cheadle to find out how they can utilize the five steps of FLAUNT! to Build their Dreams and Live their Sparkle! Could you be ready to live your best life today? Calls take place via Zoom and can be scheduled here: https://calendly.com/loras-schedule Grab your Dreamvisions7 discount today!
lora@loracheadle.com or 303-994-4945

Saturday Jun 04, 2016
Flaunt! Build Your Dreams, Live Your Sparkle with Lora Cheadle
Saturday Jun 04, 2016
Saturday Jun 04, 2016
A Time For Change Hypnotherapy with Lynda Pulford, Hypnotherapist
Guest Lynda Pulford, hypnotherapist at A Time For Change Hypnotherapy. She’s a former police officer who worked with Lora in order to uncover her passion for helping people. She is now a hypnotherapist. Enjoy a brief angel reading during the interview.
Lynda is a licensed and certified hypnotherapist with a diploma from the accredited Hypnosis Motivation Institute, and has completed over four hundred hours of coursework in the practice of hypnosis techniques for treating a wide variety of issues.
She has completed specialized coursework in the areas of Immune Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Smoking Cessation, Weight loss/Food Issues, Stress and Anxiety Management, Sports/Athletics improvement, Past Life Regression, Intimacy and Relationship Issues (getting over break-ups) and Confidence and Motivation.
A Time For Change Hypnotherapy has been serving the Denver area since 2013.