Dreamvisions 7 Radio & TV Network

Friday Feb 18, 2022
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt: Relationships
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Relationships ~ The Second Genesis Awakenings
Happy Valentine Month!!! This episode brings into focus the Inter-Personal Relationships that exist between those Engaging a Second Genesis Awakening and Lifestyle. Your Host, Debara, brings Adam’t back for some Wonder Filled Insights into how each of us Evolve as Individuals…as Partners, Companions and Friends…and of course, Family. You won’t want to miss this Look Into the Intimate Nature of how Human Life can be Lived. Debara calls this show…RShow…which Spontaneously Unfolded from the Moment the Show began. Debara Shares some Amazing Events that have been Pivotal for her in her Quest into The Second Genesis Awakening Age in which we all live and Adam's offers his Perspective on those Events and how each one has Affected Our Life Together.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Jan 07, 2022
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt: FINDING YOUR WAY
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
This month’s show has Adam’t “in the House” sharing with us some Personal Insights he has gained over the years about this time of the year…the Winter Solstice…the Holly Daize …we find ourselves in…and how we may all “See Our Lives” through those Ancient Eyes that are Upon and Within Mankind. It’s a show that will leave you feeling a Hope for Yourself…in this Moment and into the Future and for Humanity. The show adds to the others before it, bringing with its Message the Shifts of Perception we all so earnestly want to Experience taking place in our Lives.
Learn more about Debara here:

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Connecting to the Ancient of Days...Within Us All...
This week's show once again has adam't in the House, speaking about the Ancient Connections that began and continue for him from his Beginnings of a 100% plant based, organically grown diet of nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, veggies and fruits of all kinds. Highlighting the Ancient and Timeless Language of metaphor and story, adam't takes us on a Journey into the Book of Revelations from out of the New Testament, written over 2000 years ago. The show ends with a personal Story of Revelation adam't had in October of 1989. You won't want to miss this one for sure...
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Oct 01, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt: WE ARE ETERNALS BEINGS
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
This week's show with Adam T Gardener...founder and creator of thehumanaccelerator.org and visionary/developer of America's Medicine Wheels...is going to take us on a Journey into what it means to Become Human. Right now...Adam't Shares With Us...that we are using this Precious Gift and Opportunity of Being Human, acting out in behaviors, thoughts and emotions that are a Pale Image of what it means to Be Human. For thousands of years mankind has sought out a Transformation into something Far Beyond the likenesses of being human seen in everyday life.
Once again it's time to Slow Down...in order to Be Accelerated...into the Eternal Vision of Being Human only AFEW Humans have ever Imagined and Achieved. It's an Ancient Stirring within us All...to Become Something Greater than what we are currently being. It's Time to Take the Ride of Your Life into Thoughts of Possibilities few of us ever even consider.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Aug 27, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt: GROW What You Eat
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
GROW what you eat & eat what you GROW
You are in for a treat on this episode, our good friend Susan Whiting
WE our blessed everyday by her friendship and bigger than life spirit. Susan is no stranger to organic gardening, from the start as a young daughter, Susan’s father instilled in her hard work as side by side she helped him while planting and watching everything, GROW… Plant’s fruit and nut tree flowers sprouting up as through much tenacity, she experienced that you do reap what you sow…
Today, Susan’s favorite part of her & Max’s garden is what she refers to as God gifts. (Volunteer plants that sprout up and are delicious…MMMM)
Susan has healed from cancer of the thyroid as she knows the benefits of eating out of the garden. Her daughter Tiffany, sharing with me today about her mother, Susan is the best kept secret ever.. Susan is an educator, she went to the university of Utah and gained her master’s degree in family therapy, while raising 5 children.. She worked for over 35 years in the mental health higher education services. Now, you can find her and husband Max in the garden feeding around 50 family’s all organic fruits and veggies while teaching them how to grow food to restore their own health by reducing pollution on the plant .. Susan advocates for all to know the freedom of growing your own food. Her and Max have 10 children, 27 grandchildren and 2 great grand babies … from early spring to late fall you find them in their beautiful and amazing garden.
We asked Max who is the Chief for Susan to share with us some recipes…
You modify it to what is best for you… Enjoy.
Nut Meat
2 Cups Raw Pecans
favorite taco seasonings to taste…
2 tablespoon soy sauce
Place in food processor blend to texture of that like a meat …
Sautéed Cabbage
1 onion
1 medium cabbage to preferred size fry to golden brown
Add 2-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
fold nut meats on top ….
Homemade Tortillas
3 Cups Stone Ground Flour Organic
1tsp sea salt
1tsp baking powder
1Cup Water
2 Tablespoons Oil {our suggestion Sunflower (Expeller Pressed) which is cold pressed}
Mix dry ingredients add oil~ water
Knead into a ball then cut into 8 pieces
Fry at medium heat, 1 minute on each side
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Living a Life Free of Sickness and Disease
Debara welcomes back to the hour a new episode with lovely guest & friend, Kathrine Scott who shares more about how the body knows how to heal itself, her plant based journey and her new classes on healthy eating as she demonstrates recipes that do not need cooking ... Kirlian photography, how it shows more about the Photon energy frequency in fruits and Vegetables
Kathrine: I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1996. Called after Thomas Hodgkin who was a British pathologist who first described this “disease” in the early 1800’s.On that day I had no idea what Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was or that it was a type of “cancer”. I soon learned quite quickly. There was an urgency in the doctor’s recommendation that I meet with another member of staff who will detail my options to me. And for them there was only one option, which was chemotherapy.
The mention of cancer frightened me and from that day until I read Ann Wigmore’s book “The Wheatgrass Book” I lived in fear. I began treatment shortly afterwards and the effects of that first treatment rendered me weak and in awful pain. I didn’t know back then that the chemotherapy they injected me with was not curing me but instead adding to my clogged up lymphatic system. Because that is what my problem was…..A Blocked up Lymphatic System!
The information about the raw and living food diet and wheat grass juice in Ann Wigmore’s book was so compelling and rang so true to me, I immediately adopted the program. As I experienced the diet and practiced the detoxification techniques, I experienced an extraordinary feeling of well being. At that point, I lost all fear of the disease returning and found unbounded hope based on a new-found knowledge and direct experience.
Since that time, I have studied more about health and my confidence in the body healing itself has grown tremendously, provided you give it the foods that the human body is designed for, which is foods from the garden. Particularly fruits and greens in their natural state. I taught healthy eating classes for eight years demonstrating recipes that didn’t need cooking. I ran a Raw Food Retreat center for awhile where people came and stayed for a week or more. I am passionate about helping people back to health. It is not a chore for me as I love it!
I am from South West Ireland. Grew up on a farm for first part of my life. Lived for 9 years in Dublin city, 16 years in London and I have been living in Utah since 2007. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Jul 02, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt: Finding Truths
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Adam't joins the Chorus of Voices once again...offering Insights into specific plant medicines we can all make at home...buy ingredients in our local markets, etc. What makes this Show most interesting is the Sources from which some of the ideas have come...even out of our Western Medicine Model of "Health Care".
Finding Truths Wherever They Come From will take you on one more Journey into the day to day, Second Genesis Life & Times of Adam't and Family. At the end of the Show, Adam't Shares some Insights into how to satisfy our lingering Hunger for a hot cooked meal...something we all face when Shifting to our Divine Diets and Lifestyles. Simple and to the Point, this is a Show you will want to hear and apply. It's Wisdom in your Lives.
Super Cayenne & Oil Formula
10 oz. of fresh squeezed lemon juice (takes approximately 7 small lemons)
10 Dash's (1/8 tsp.) of Cayenne Pepper
2 heaping Tbps. of Honey
5 Tbps. of Olive Oil
5 Tbps. of Wheat Germ Oil
Do your best to make all the ingredients organic...that way it is as free of manmade mess's as is possible.
Juice lemons and place in a small measuring cup filling to 10 oz.
Add 2 Tbp. of honey to a mixing cup with 1 Tbp. of lemon juice in the bottom. Stir lemon juice into honey. (I like to smear olive oil onto measuring spoon)
Add 1 more Tbp. of lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Repeat until 4 additional Tbps. of juice have been added to the honey, making sure it is well mixed. Set aside for a moment.
Place 5 oz. of lemon juice in a 16 oz. shaker jar with a lid. Add 5 Dash's of Cayenne and shake, then add an additional 5 Dash's of Cayenne and again shake. Into this you will then add the lemon & honey solution plus any remaining lemon juice.
Measure 5 Tbps. of Olive Oil and 5 Tbps. of Wheat Germ Oil, pouring into the 16 oz shaker glass.
Attach lid and shake.
Place inside a refrigerator and take a half oz. (1 Tbp.) twice a day just before your meals.
This completes the Super Cayenne & Oil Formula. I like to use a 1 oz. shot glass for taking each dosage. It is much easier to take. The key ratio in this formula is 10 Cayenne Dash's to 10 Tbsps. of oil. If you don't have access to wheat germ oil or prefer to use another oil other than wheat germ, it is suggested to use all Olive Oil. The 16 oz shaker jar of this formula should provide 32 doses. It will last in the refrigerator for up to one week...maybe longer.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Apr 23, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Living a life Free of Sickness and Disease
The way back to living a life of joy that is possible and doable
"If you are asking yourself these questions and find yourself fatigued with symptoms of memory loss, blurry eyes from covid recovery.
If you are finding your hair is falling out like many around the world as two dear friends of Debara asked these questions for all of us, on this episode..
Debara turns this hour Broadcast over to Adam't who shares his recent sombering heartfelt encouraging thoughts and experiences of his journey back to health ... This show is for you! Have a pen and paper ready you might find you want to take notes . " Host Debara Bruhn Towt
Adam’t Gardener, Human Accelerator™ Author of two books, writer & visionary of America’s Medicine Wheels and a Whole Foods Whole Herb Medicine Man…he has been living on a 100% plant based diet for over 30 years. His Knowledge and Wisdom is a Bridge Connecting two islands of Human Reality.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Mar 26, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Adam’t Gardener is the Commentator and Narrator for this one hour Ride on what he calls…The Human Accelerator™. Author of two books, writer & visionary of America’s Medicine Wheels and a Whole Foods Whole Herb Medicine Man…he has been living on a 100% plant based diet for over 30 years. His Knowledge and Wisdom is a Bridge Connecting two islands of Human Reality.
Adam’t Gardener joins us on this new edition as he shares his journey & findings from living from an Organic Living Plant based diet about ....
The Lymphatic system is so important in fighting viruses in our bodies. The Immune Response is a primary function of the lymphatic system & Why eating 80% alkaline~ and non-mucus forming foods like Fresh squeezed juices in our everyday Lives, Organic Roman lettuce ~ Apples ~ Parsley ~ Carrots ~ ginger and some lemon ... is a sustaining & giving our lives, a dose of ease and wellbeing with every bite. A Preventive Action of sickness and disease into a Spontaneous Regeneration of health.
Learn more about Debara here:

Friday Feb 26, 2021
The Second Genesis Awakening with Debara Bruhn Towt
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Debara welcomes to the hour lovely guest & friend,
Katherine Scott to share with us her inspiring, Journey of Healing, Plant based diet and much more....
"I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in 1996. Called after Thomas Hodgkin who was a British pathologist who first described this “disease” in the early 1800’s.
On that day I had no idea what Hodgkin’s Lymphoma was or that it was a type of “cancer”. I soon learned quite quickly. There was an urgency in the doctor’s recommendation that I meet with another member of staff who will detail my options to me. And for them there was only one option, which was chemotherapy.
The mention of cancer frightened me and from that day until I read Ann Wigmore’s book “The Wheatgrass Book” I lived in fear.
I began treatment shortly afterwards and the effects of that first treatment rendered me weak and in awful pain.
I didn’t know back then that the chemotherapy they injected me with was not curing me but instead adding to my clogged up lymphatic system. Because that is what my problem was…..A Blocked up Lymphatic System!
The information about the raw and living food diet and wheat grass juice in Ann Wigmore’s book was so compelling and rang so true to me, I immediately adopted the program. As I experienced the diet and practiced the detoxification techniques, I experienced an extraordinary feeling of well being. At that point, I lost all fear of the disease returning and found unbounded hope based on a new-found knowledge and direct experience.
Since that time, I have studied more about health and my confidence in the body healing itself has grown tremendously, provided you give it the foods that the human body is designed for, which is foods from the garden. Particularly fruits and greens in their natural state.
I taught healthy eating classes for eight years demonstrating recipes that didn’t need cooking. I ran a Raw Food Retreat center for awhile where people came and stayed for a week or more. I am passionate about helping people back to health. It is not a chore for me as I love it!
I am from South West Ireland. Grew up on a farm for first part of my life. Lived for 9 years in Dublin city, 16 years in London and I have been living in Utah since 2007. I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren."
Learn more about Debara here: